Search Engine That Pay

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Is there any difference with Blingo? Basically the same as Winzy (if you read). But don't stop reading.


The many differences
The main idea, Winzy and Blingo both offers many prizes to win. While Winzy offers a point system, Bling offers a time-system.

Time system
There is no limit on searches. Search as much as you want. The chances of you winning is good/bad. It depends on how random your searches are.

Ok here's the time system. For every 30 minutes, bling will give out a prize. sounds easy huh? Wrong! Here's the catch, Blingo will give out prizes on an 25-35 minute interval. Changing for each prize. Your job is to search during that interval. In simple words, you'll have to search at a certain time to win. The only way I see of it, so to search as freely as you want, during that time period. Since the prizes are completely random.

Same idea as Winzy. Your referral wins, you win too. You refer a friend, you might win too.

Prizes Day
Each day is a different day to win. Monday might be movie ticket day, Tuesday tv day. You get the idea. Prizes are determine be what day it is. But you are not guaranteed to win that prize. Example: Lets say its Tv Tuesday. The chances of me winning a plasma tv are slim. I'll most likely win a cheap prize like $5-10. But you know for sure, that TV Tuesday, is the day you search if you want a free tv.

Random prizes
These prizes are given completely out of the time interval .To participate, you'll need to refer friends. On special holidays, random prizes will also be given out just for searching.

Each time you search, you'll name will be enter into a yearly event. A $1 MILLION dollar drawing. Sponsor by Publishers Clearing House. Each search count as 1 entry. The more you search, the more entry you get. The chances of winning is lower then winning the lottery though, but theres always a chance you might win.

Scam or not?
Even though I haven't won yet. i know fo sho (for sure) that this is 100% Scam-Free. I did a background check. Blingo is own by Google. Is Google Safe? Then Blingo must be too. Still don't believe me? You can go on some news site like cnn,msnbc, etc and look it up. They have some articles about it.

The Word from Someone
I recommend this site to all. It doesn't matter how much you search. Just replace your old search engine with Blingo. Use it regularly like you would with any other search engine. The only difference is, you might win something while searching.

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